
What I Need To Do In Order To Be In The Challenge

What do I need to do to compete in the 12 week Slimdown Challenge?
1. You need to decide when you are going to start the challenge. Decide which round you will start. There are 4 different rounds (start dates). So pick your date.
2. You need to register and pay entry fee $19.99 in order to participate in the challenge for the monetary prizes.
3. Take your “before” & “after” pictures with a national newspaper in your home or were you feel comfortable.  You will take the front, side, & back pictures. You can hold the newspaper in your hand off to the side or tape to the wall, etc. Do not have the newspaper blocking your body.
4. Your “before” and “after” pictures can be taken in a two piece (bathing suit), in shorts, workout gear, or what ever you feel comfortable in. Judges will need to see the contestant’s legs, back, total body transformation.
5. You must keep a food journal, workout journal throughout the whole process.  Write down your daily thoughts and feelings throughout the 12 weeks. You will have to turn that information in at the end of your 12 week challenge.
6. You will need to do cardio exercise for 45 minutes a day for 6 days out of a week. A 6 day workout is required on the challenge.
7. You will upload your information and pictures after you complete your 12 week challenge. So, hold on to your before picture. Don't lose it.
8. The rest of the rules and terms you need to follow are on The Challenge page.  Read them…then follow… Have any other questions post them on the Forum page.
What are rounds?
–Rounds are the start dates for each 12 week challenge. The dates for the challenge are on The Challenge page. You are required to complete one 12 week round/challenge. You can do more than one round for optimal results. It’s just not required.
What happens if I fall off the challenge, mess up eating something unhealthy, or miss a workout?
–Don’t give up. Just get right back on the challenge. Don’t make it a habit with falling off the challenge. If you do, it will show up on your after pictures. Your goal is to get your body in shape and healthy. So try your best to stay on course.