A Million Excuses

We all have a million excuses for not exercising. Hectic schedules, poor body image, exhaustion, time, rain, snow, body aching, don't feel like it; the list goes on and on. The fact remains that if you don't exercise which is a key component,  you're not going to have a healthy body. You won't burn enough calories, your metabolism will get out of whack, and your muscles will weaken as you age.  All of these things add up to an increased likelihood of serious illness.  And if you don't exercise, your children probably won't exercise or aren't active either.

At a minimum, you need to engage in medium-to-high- intensity exercise for at least 5 days per week for 30 to 60 minutes per day. Yes, this is a commitment, but this is your LIFE. It's well worth it...Think of this: one powered covered doughnut contains roughly 250 calories;  it will take about 1 1/2 hours of walking, 40 minutes of tennis, or 25 minutes of brisk jogging to work off those 250 calories. Now, do you see how important exercise is and why it is so hard to lose weight? Get Moving...