
Are You Ready To Get Fit And Healthy?

Being ready to get fit and healthy means that you are ready to do whatever it takes to become your definition of healthy. Are you ready to make the necessary changes? There are certain things that you need to consider before you start your quest for health. If you don’t do these things, you could end up falling off of the health wagon, and land waist deep in potato chips. No, that’s not a good thing.


Let’s talk about what it means to be ready. Being healthy requires that you change certain parts of your lifestyle (mainly diet and activity). But overall health also means mental health, so you also need to come up with ways to handle your everyday stresses so you don’t end up using unhealthy methods of stress management like smoking, binge or emotional eating, alcohol, etc. Using those types of methods will deter your new health track.


So before you declare that you are ready for change, do yourself a favor and answer some of these questions first:


  1. Do you have someone to turn to for support?
  2. What stress management techniques are you practicing? Do you need to change those as well?
  3. Do you have a goal that you are striving for? Is it a physical goal or a mental goal?
  4. Do you have benchmarks that you need to reach (short-term goals) in order to reach your main goal?
  5. Have you budgeted your money to account for the necessary steps you need to take a gym class, a gym memberships, healthy food, etc.?
  6. What do you have to help you stay motivated? A picture? A goal statement? Motivational quotes? Skinny jeans? A bikini?

Written By: J. Bernardo

Image by United States Army