All posts by sbronner

Prepare your Food

Make sure you are only steaming, baking, and grilling your food. No fried foods.



Have a wonderful week. Life is good. It’s all in how you perceive it!!! Remember, keep reaching for your health goals!!!



Try to eat something healthy every few hours in order to keep your metabolism up.



For Breakfast: 2 slices of whole grain toast.  You can spread on top of the toast either peanut butter or almond butter. A fruit of your choice. 4 oz organic Greek yogurt.


Food Choice

Make today healthy food choice day. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water.


Yo Yo Diets

Stop the yo yo diets. They don’t work. Only hard work, works-exercise and eating healthy!!! It has to be a lifestyle change. Make the change.


Just Stand

Believe this or not, according to a research study!!! For each hour you stand on your feet you Blast away up to 60 calories than just sitting. So, get up and STAND more. This will help burn up some of those calories. Ditch the chair and stand!!!


Life Time

1. Stop making poor health and food choices. 2. Stop living for immediate gratification. 3. Make the right choices for a life time.



Be THANKFUL!!!Be thankful you woke up this morning in your right mind and in relatively good to excellent health. Start today off in the right spirit (mind set)!!! Be Thankful. I wish everyone an AWESOME and PEACEFUL day!!! Keep moving towards your health goal.



Remember, to steam all your vegetables with your meals for optimal benefits.