Cilantro is one of the best remover of aluminum in the body. Aluminum is contained in table salt, tap water, packaged groceries, antiperspirants, and pharmaceuticals.
Cilantro is one of the best remover of aluminum in the body. Aluminum is contained in table salt, tap water, packaged groceries, antiperspirants, and pharmaceuticals.
Try some spinach and lemon. Spinach, which contains a substantial amount of iron, is even better for you when you sprinkle it with lemon juice which will help your body absorb the iron more efficiently.
A list of some SUPERFOODS you need in your everyday diet: 1. Tufu 2. Fresh Fish 3. Tomatoes 4. Whole Grain Cereal(Great Fiber) 5. Whole Grain Bread 6. Carrots 7. Oranges 8. Grapes 9. Yogurt(Help to boost your immune system) 10. Flaxseed(Help improve bowel movement) 11. Bananas 12. Grapes 13. All types of fresh veggies Read More
Use sharper cheeses like extra-sharp cheddar, they give a bigger flavor impact-so you can use less and cut saturated fat and calories.
Start reading the food labels before you purchase your food. If the ingredient list is long or you can’t pronounce most of the words, it is a good indication that it may not be right for you.
Chew your food all the way!!! Your stomach does not have teeth.
You can lose weight by paying for groceries with cash; turns out, you’re more likely to buy unhealthy foods if you pay with a credit card.
If you’re tired, it may be dehydration. Drink up!
It’s recommended you have 25g to 35g of FIBER each day..
Ways to get fit at your desk (at work): 1. Do Squats before you sit. 2. Do front & side leg lifts. 3. March in place while you are at your desk for 1 minute. Do this several times through out the day. 4. Try the portable pedal bike -deskercise- or the Desk treadmill that Read More